Make Up Classes
Regular class attendance is necessary to insure steady
progress for the student. For this reason, it is recommended that your child
attend every class. Classes missed may be made-up with the coordination of the
instructor. Missed classes cannot be subtracted from monthly
School Holidays, Snow Days, Etc.
The Studio will be closed Labor Day, Wednesday through Friday of Thanksgiving week, Christmas Break (same schedule as the TN City school system)
and Good Friday.
The school will remain open for classes when
"snow days" are designated by the public school if the main roads are
open and clear.
If weather conditions are severe, a cancellation
may be necessary. If you are in doubt, ALWAYS call. See teachers for makeup schedule for classes cancelled due to
The Studio will be open on the City and County
in-service, professional development and teacher work days.
Classes are open during the month of December ONLY.
All students will be in one number per class in the Spring
recital, except preschool who will be in only ballet. Notification must be
given by December 1st if you plan to not be in the recital. Costumes are
ordered requiring a non-refundable deposit at that time. Advance payment is
accepted September through November.
Costume payment due date is November 15th.